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Regular house cleanings can increase your home’s resale value


Regular house cleanings can increase your home’s resale value

Purchasing a home is the largest purchase that many of us will make in our lifetime. So, it is understandable that we do many things to protect this investment.

We do various upgrades such as the kitchen, the bath, or adding a fresh coat of paint. Most of us maintain our lawns as well putting out mulch, flowers and attempting to keep our grass looking well and as weed free as possible. Many people however overlook one home maintenance task that not only can make your life more enjoyable and carefree while you are living in your home, but also pay for itself when it comes time to put your house on the market.

This task is regular house cleaning. Yes, on top of all the emotional and health befits that a clean home brings it can also increase the value of your home by increasing its look and appeal. Forbes magazine said in the article “8 proven ways to increase the resale value of your home” that most of the agents they spoke with focus on overall cleanliness as one of the biggest factors in selling a house. This is because an unclean home is difficult to sell and not easy on the eyes of potential buyers. From my experience, a home that has been cleaned regularly is easier to get ready to go on the market than one that has not. It takes one of our teams longer to clean these homes since it is more difficult work, so in turn these clients end up paying more.

We recommend not waiting until the last minute to get your home up to par. Instead, why not have someone come in to clean regularly for you if you don’t have time to do it yourself? According to Consumer Reports, cleaning can also deliver a 3%-5% return on investment. So, while some may see our services as simply a luxury, those looking to increase their homes resale value see the benefit of having us maintain their home while at the same time protecting their investment. If you are in the Upstate SC area feel free to contact us and let Angelic Touch take care of the cleaning for you!

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